Saturday, August 25, 2007

About Me

My name is Chris Harper. I have worked retail jobs most of my working life or jobs concerning customer service. This fall I started my first teaching job in Picayune, MS. I work at the Center for Alternative Education, an alternate school. I am the high school math teacher there. I primarly teach pre algebra, algebra 1, and geometry, but as more students are being sent into the alternative school, I could teach other math classes. This is my first fully online course, but I have taken other courses that have online supplements both at USM and at the University of Minnesota, where I received my bachelor's degree. I am familiar with most of the programs that we will be using in this class, but if in doubt, I can always ask my wife, who is a tech savvy person. I have used most of these programs before, mostly for school purposes. I am familiar with the communication tools that we will be using for this class, though I have not used them personally. Like most people at school, I know how to use email, and that is my preferred way of contact. For new technology used in the classroom, I have heard of blogs, podcasts, and video clips. I have used video clips in the classrooms, and I have listened to podcasts on the internet as a leisure activity before for personal entertainment. I have also read other people's blogs online for personal enjoyment. For this class, I hope to gain experience for technology in the classroom, and better ways to integrate them into my classroom.